Saturday, August 9, 2008

Catalogue of Activities/Exercises -- Week One

Day One

Chalk Talk with Three Questions: When did you last experience/witness a moment of injustice? What's a word that make you cringe/smile? How do you currently address social justice issues in your teaching practice?
Walking Spectrum Exercise
Deck of Contradictions -- Create 2 sets
Non Stop Talking Exercise
Flash Card Interviews
In this Moment Writing Exercise
Essentialization Exercise
Stencil Making Workshop
Stencil Production in the Park

Day Two

Introduction to Jenny Holzer's work
Truisms to Newisms Exercise
Newisms Performance Trios (Unison, Repetition)
Cross-Out Text Poems Exercise
Read the Bruce Mau's Incomplete Manifesto for Personal Growth
Craft a Personal Manifesto
Text-Image Interventions/Encounters as Contemporary Arts Practice Slide Show
Book Folding Workshop
Zine Design & Layout

Assignment: Finish laying out zines!

Day Three

Discussion: Zine Making Process & Classroom Applications
Back to Back Walking Exercise (What did my family teach me about_____________)
Inheritance Writing: You always told me_____________and/but now I_______________
Collaborative Writing Challenge:
Group One: I come from... (George Ella Lyon)
Group Two: I am waiting...((Lawrence Ferlinghetti)
Group Three: Here's to... (Sekou Sundiata)
Poetry Performances
Screen Printing Workshop
Button Production
Sticker Production

Assignment: Draft a "course syllabus" zine and/or teacher's manifesto to use on your first day of school

Day Four

Circle Walk Exercise
Write a Poem About (Assignment Exchange)
Lune -- Poetic Form
Writing on the Walls -- Typography Experiments
Book Folding/Production
Book Distribution in Public (human encounter, hidden zine, read a page moment)
One Word at a Time Collaborative Chalk Performance

Assignment: Reflect on the Public Encounters, Devise a Language-based intervention, follow a Learning to Love you More assignment over the weekend.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Thank you, I am planning to use some of the manifesto questions as bell ringers in the first 2 weeks of school so that my students will be prepared to begin their own personal manifestos in week three.